This is just a quick idea map of what i want my game trailer to consist of. i think it is important to get some game play elements down because it will give me an idea of what to include in the trailer. I want to make a 2D animation style trailer consisting of game play and a kind of cinematic.
The total trailer will consist of a cinematic, and then a montage of game-play and level design. The idea is to set up the scene and the story and then to give an idea of things that will happen in the game through the game play.
The idea behind the game play is essentially a survival horror. The main element being that you as the character is in a scary place or situation, and you have to find your way back home, wherever that might be. Also it will consist of puzzle solving and escaping from unknown enemies. This adds to the horror genre.
I will include mp3 clips as well as backing tracks into my game trailer. It is important to get the right sound for the game trailer as it sets the tone for the game and gives the player an idea of what it feels like to be in the game. With the right sounds this can be achieved For example i will use simple jump MP3 sounds for the character and a kind of scary, horror backing track for the whole trailer.
The environment depends entirely on which initial idea I choose to pursue. For example for and alien world setting, i would be using a lot of inspiration from films like, Alien and Prometheus. This is because the setting is right for the type of game I would like to create.
Initial ideas.
1. I think it would be good to have a puzzle solving platform game. So i have a few different ideas about setting and environment My first thought it to have a character that is on a distant alien planet trying to get back to earth. this is a very hostile place and would consist of many traps and different puzzles to solve.
2. Another idea could be a deep underwater setting. I think that this could give a bit of diversity to the game, also I am not aware of many other survival puzzle games to have the same sort of theme. It could consist of a character in a sunken submarine trying to get out and back to the surface. However being deep under water there could be many different enemies and events that you could set up to make the game more challenging.
Chosen Idea
I am going to choose the 1st initial idea because i think it has the most potential in portraying a survival horror setting. It also gives me the chance to experiment with different game play elements such as mini games and puzzle solving. This is because I can create simple puzzle solving ideas, but put them in an alien setting.
Game Title Ideas
I am thinking about an appropriate name for my game. It has to match the setting and environment of the game. I have been thinking of names like:
- Into The Abyss
- Outerworld
- Alone

This is just an idea showing the title screen.
I would like this game to be on the Xbox live market place. It makes sense that it is arcade game, just quite a high production value one. I think that it would fit in quite well like such games as Limbo.
Target Audience
This game will contain mature content but not on a massive scale. The horror will be the main aspect of mature content, but being on the xbox market place, it could be restricted to a more mature audience, i would say 16+ to start. But depending on how much mature content i want to put in, i think it may have to be
Character Development Sheet
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